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Red Clover and resin light sculpture *One of a kind*

*One of a kind*

Real Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) has been dried and cast in clear resin along with very long life, warm white LED’s on fine copper wire.

The warm lights illuminate the dark pink flower and leaf structures and colours along with the fine copper wire that entwines them.

Long life LED’s typically have a lifespan of 50000 hours. This would imply 11.4 years if operated for 12 hours a day, 22.8 years for 6 hours a day.

The electrical fitting can be either UK standard plug or US/Cananda plug depending on where it is shipping to.
For EU or Australia/New Zealand an adaptor will be sent to be compatible.

*As this product is handmade using natural materials, small bubbles and imperfections may occur*

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